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题目:A Multidecadal-Scale Global Teleconnection over the Past Millennium and Its Recent Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Activity
进展东谈主:Dr. Xiaofang Feng is a postdoctoral scholar at the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Fudan University. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Meteorology from Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST), and has been as a Joint Ph.D. student at the Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). She obtained a M.S. degree in Meteorology from NUIST, and a B.S. degree in Atmospheric Sciences from Guangdong Ocean University. Her research interests are in tropical cyclone dynamics, climate variability and change in Large-scale atmosphere/ocean systems, paleoclimate, future climate change, and coupled climate modeling.
节录:In the past 40 years, the global annual mean surface temperature has experienced a nonuniform warming. It exhibits significant asymmetry between the Arctic and Antarctic, with intermittent and spatially varying warming trends along the Northern Hemisphere (NH) mid-latitudes and a slight cooling in the tropical eastern Pacific. Here, we show that these nonuniform features are likely tied together by tropical eastern Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs), via a global atmospheric teleconnection. This tropically driven teleconnection is associated with a Pacific SST pattern resembling the interdecadal Pacific oscillation (IPO), and hereafter referred to as the IPO-related bipolar teleconnection (IPO-BT). The IPO-BT mode can be consistently obtained as a leading circulation mode over the past 100, 400 and 2000 years, which may serve as an important internal mode that regulates climate variability on multi-decadal scales. The spatial nonuniformity of recent temperature trends may be partially explained by the enhanced appearance of the IPO-BT mode by a transition of the IPO toward a cooling phase in the eastern Pacific in the past decades. Further, this internal mode plays a role in the recent shift of the basin-wide mean location of tropical cyclone (TC) formation in the western North Pacific (WNP). The poleward shift of the mean latitude of TC formation is accompanied by westward retreat of the monsoon trough (MT) and westward extension of the tropical upper tropospheric trough (TUTT), which is closely associated with IPO-related SSTs. Thus, low-frequency SST variability in the tropical Pacific acts as an important internal dynamical source to jointly regulate recent climate variability along with anthropogenic forcing.